
Null safety codelab

This codelab teaches you about Dart’s null-safe type system. Dart introduced null safety as an optional setting in Dart 2.12. Dart 3 requires null safety. With null safety, values can’t be null unless you say they can be.

This codelab covers the following material:

  • Nullable and non-nullable types.
  • When to add ? or ! to indicate nullability or non-nullability.
  • Flow analysis and type promotion.
  • How and when to use null-aware operators.
  • How the late keyword affects variables and initialization.

Using embedded DartPad editors, you can test your knowledge by completing and running exercises. To get the most out of this codelab, you should have some knowledge of basic Dart syntax.

Nullable and non-nullable types

With null safety, all types default to non-nullable. For example, if you have a variable of type String, it always contains a string.

To allow a variable of type String to accept any string or the value null, add a question mark (?) after the type name. This changes the type of variable to a nullable type. For example, a variable of type String? can contain a string, or it can be null.

Exercise: Non-nullable types

In the following example, the developer declared variable a an int. Try changing the value in the assignment to 3 or 145, but not null!

void main() {
  int a;
  a = null;
  print('a is $a.');

Exercise: Nullable types

What if you need a variable that can hold a null value? Try changing the type of a so that a can be either null or an int:

void main() {
  int a;
  a = null;
  print('a is $a.');

Exercise: Nullable type parameters for generics

Type parameters for generics can also be nullable or non-nullable. Try adding question marks to correct the type declarations of aNullableListOfStrings and aListOfNullableStrings:

void main() {
  List<String> aListOfStrings = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
  List<String> aNullableListOfStrings;
  List<String> aListOfNullableStrings = ['one', null, 'three'];

  print('aListOfStrings is $aListOfStrings.');
  print('aNullableListOfStrings is $aNullableListOfStrings.');
  print('aListOfNullableStrings is $aListOfNullableStrings.');

The null assertion operator (!)

If you’re sure an expression with a nullable type doesn’t equal null, you can use the null assertion operator (!) to make Dart treat it as non-nullable. By adding ! after the expression, you assert two conditions to Dart about the expression:

  1. Its value doesn’t equal null
  2. Dart can assign the value to a non-nullable variable

Exercise: Null assertion

In the following code, try adding exclamation points to correct the broken assignments:

int? couldReturnNullButDoesnt() => -3;

void main() {
  int? couldBeNullButIsnt = 1;
  List<int?> listThatCouldHoldNulls = [2, null, 4];

  int a = couldBeNullButIsnt;
  int b = listThatCouldHoldNulls.first; // first item in the list
  int c = couldReturnNullButDoesnt().abs(); // absolute value

  print('a is $a.');
  print('b is $b.');
  print('c is $c.');

Null-aware operators

If a variable or expression is nullable, you can use type promotion to access the type’s members. You can also use null-aware operators to handle nullable values.

Sometimes the flow of the program tells you that the value of an expression cannot be null. To force Dart to treat that expression as non-nullable, add the null assertion operator (!). If the value does equal null, using this operator throws an exception.

To handle potential null values, use the conditional property access operator (?.) or null-coalescing operators (??) to conditionally access a property or provide a default value if null respectively.

Exercise: Conditional property access

If you don’t know that an expression with a nullable type equals null or not, you can use the conditional member access operator (?.). This operator evaluates to null if the target expression resolves to null. Otherwise, it accesses the property on the non-null target value.

// The following calls the 'action' method only if nullableObject is not null

In the following code, try using conditional property access in the stringLength method. This fixes the error and returns the length of the string or null if it equals null:

{$ begin main.dart $}
int? stringLength(String? nullableString) {
  return nullableString.length;
{$ end main.dart $}
{$ begin solution.dart $}
int? stringLength(String? nullableString) {
  return nullableString?.length;
{$ end solution.dart $}
{$ begin test.dart $}
void main() {
  const nonNullString = 'testing';
  try {
    final nonNullResult = stringLength(nonNullString);
    if (nonNullResult != nonNullString.length) {
      _result(false, [
        'Tried calling `stringLength`, with the string \'testing\' but '
            'received $nonNullResult instead of the expected ${nonNullString.length}.'

    final nullableResult = stringLength(null);
    if (nullableResult != null) {
      _result(false, [
        'Tried calling `stringLength`, with a `null` value but '
            'received $nullableResult instead of the expected `null`.'
  } on UnimplementedError {
    _result(false, [
      'Tried running `stringLength`, but received an error. Did you implement the method?'
  } catch (e) {
        false, ['Tried calling `stringLength`, but received an exception: $e']);
{$ end test.dart $}
{$ begin hint.txt $}
You can use the conditional property access operator (?.)
to only access a property of if expression is not null otherwise return null.
{$ end hint.txt $}

Exercise: Null-coalescing operators

If you want to provide an alternative value when the expression evaluates to null, you can specify another expression to evaluate and return instead with the null-coalescing operator (??).

// Both of the following print out 'alternate' if nullableString is null
print(nullableString ?? 'alternate');
print(nullableString != null ? nullableString : 'alternate');

You can also use the null-coalescing assignment operator (??=) to evaluate and assign an expression result to a variable only if that variable is currently null.

// Both of the following set nullableString to 'alternate' if it is null
nullableString ??= 'alternate';
nullableString = nullableString != null ? nullableString : 'alternate';

In the following code, try using these operators to implement updateStoredValue following the logic outlined in its documentation comment:

{$ begin main.dart $}
abstract class Store {
  int? storedNullableValue;

  /// If [storedNullableValue] is currently `null`,
  /// set it to the result of [calculateValue] 
  /// or `0` if [calculateValue] returns `null`.
  void updateStoredValue() {
    TODO('Implement following documentation comment');

  /// Calculates a value to be used,
  /// potentially `null`.
  int? calculateValue();
{$ end main.dart $}
{$ begin solution.dart $}
abstract class Store {
  int? storedNullableValue;

  /// If [storedNullableValue] is currently `null`,
  /// set it to the result of [calculateValue] 
  /// or `0` if [calculateValue] returns `null`.
  void updateStoredValue() {
    storedNullableValue ??= calculateValue() ?? 0;

  /// Calculates a value to be used,
  /// potentially `null`.
  int? calculateValue();
{$ end solution.dart $}
{$ begin test.dart $}
class NullStore extends Store {
  int? calculateValue() {
    return null;

class FiveStore extends Store {
  int? calculateValue() {
    return 5;

void main() {
  try {
    final nullStore = NullStore();
    if (nullStore.storedNullableValue != null) {
          ['The `storedNullableValue` field should be `null` at first.']);
    if (nullStore.storedNullableValue != 0) {
      _result(false, [
        'Tried calling `updateStoredValue`, when `calculateValue` returned `null` '
            'but `storedNullableValue` was ${nullStore.storedNullableValue} '
            'instead of the expected 0.'

    final fiveStore = FiveStore();
    if (fiveStore.storedNullableValue != 5) {
      _result(false, [
        'Tried calling `updateStoredValue`, when `calculateValue` returned `5`'
            'but `storedNullableValue` was ${fiveStore.storedNullableValue} '
            'instead of the expected 5.'

    fiveStore.storedNullableValue = 3;
    if (fiveStore.storedNullableValue != 3) {
      _result(false, [
        'Tried calling `updateStoredValue`, when `storedNullableValue` '
            'was already not `null`'
            'but `storedNullableValue` was still updated when it shouldn\'t be.'

  } on UnimplementedError {
    _result(false, [
      'Tried running `updateStoredValue`, but received an error. Did you implement the method?'
  } catch (e) {
        ['Tried calling `updateStoredValue`, but received an exception: $e']);
{$ end test.dart $}
{$ begin hint.txt $}
You can think of the null-coalescing operators
as providing an alternative value if the left-hand side is `null`.
{$ end hint.txt $}

Type promotion

Dart’s flow analysis accounts for nullability. Dart treats nullable variables with no ability to contain null values as non-nullable variables. We call this behavior type promotion.

Exercise: Definite assignment

Dart’s type system can track where variables are assigned and read. It can also verify that the developer assigned values to non-nullable variables before any code tries to read from those variables. This process is called definite assignment.

Try uncommenting the if-else statement in the following code. Watch the analyzer errors disappear:

void main() {
  String text;

  //if (DateTime.now().hour < 12) {
  //  text = "It's morning! Let's make aloo paratha!";
  //} else {
  //  text = "It's afternoon! Let's make biryani!";


Exercise: Null checking

In the following code, add an if statement to the beginning of getLength that returns zero if str is null:

int getLength(String? str) {
  // Add null check here

  return str.length;

void main() {
  print(getLength('This is a string!'));

Exercise: Promotion with exceptions

Promotion works with exceptions as well as return statements. Try a null check that throws an Exception instead of returning zero.

int getLength(String? str) {
  // Try throwing an exception here if `str` is null.

  return str.length;

void main() {

The late keyword

Sometimes variables—fields in a class, or top-level variables—should be non-nullable, but they can’t be assigned a value immediately. For cases like that, use the late keyword.

When you put late in front of a variable declaration, that tells Dart the following about the variable:

  • The developer didn’t want to assign it a value yet.
  • It will get a value later.
  • It will have a value before being used.

If you declare a variable late and Dart reads the variable before you assigned a value, Dart throws an error.

Exercise: Using late

Try using the late keyword to correct the following code. For a little extra fun afterward, try commenting out the line that sets description!

class Meal {
  String _description;

  set description(String desc) {
    _description = 'Meal description: $desc';

  String get description => _description;

void main() {
  final myMeal = Meal();
  myMeal.description = 'Feijoada!';

Exercise: Late circular references

The late keyword helps with tricky patterns like circular references. The following code has two objects that need to maintain non-nullable references to each other. Try using the late keyword to fix this code.

You don’t need to remove final. You can create late final variables: you set their values once, and after that they stay read-only.

class Team {
  final Coach coach;

class Coach {
  final Team team;

void main() {
  final myTeam = Team();
  final myCoach = Coach();
  myTeam.coach = myCoach;
  myCoach.team = myTeam;

  print('All done!');

Exercise: Late and lazy

The late keyword can help with another pattern: lazy initialization for expensive non-nullable fields. Try the following:

  1. Run this code without changing it, and note the output.
  2. Think: What will change if you make _cache a late field?
  3. Make _cache a late field, and run the code. Was your prediction correct?
int _computeValue() {
  print('In _computeValue...');
  return 3;

class CachedValueProvider {
  final _cache = _computeValue();
  int get value => _cache;

void main() {
  print('Calling constructor...');
  var provider = CachedValueProvider();
  print('Getting value...');
  print('The value is ${provider.value}!');

What’s next?

Congratulations, you’ve finished the codelab! To learn more, check out some suggestions for where to go next: