
Dart 語言課程文件

這些指南會教你如何使用 Dart 語言,工具,以及 API 建構應用程式。如果你想要一份體驗動手編碼的指導,請嘗試 codelab

The basics

透過瀏覽 language sampleslanguage tour,你可以對 Dart 語言有一個初步瞭解,並且開始我們的 Dart 學習之旅了。

當你熟悉該語言後,可以進一步瞭解 streamsfutures,它們是眾多 Dart 程式的基礎。接下來你可以開始學習如何安裝包——共享程式碼能使你的學習更加高效。

Asynchronous programming: streams

Use streams to manage sequences of data.

Install shared packages

Organize and share code at the pub.dev site.

Server-side Dart tutorials

The following tutorials show how to develop scripts, command-line apps, and server apps that can run in the standalone Dart VM.

Get started

Get Dart. Create a simple standalone app, run it in the Dart VM, and AOT-compile it to native machine code.

Write command-line apps

Learn about features that command-line apps need.

Fetch data from the internet

Fetch data from the internet using the http package.

Write HTTP servers

Implement a web server written in Dart.

Web 應用

These tutorials cover topics relevant to Dart web apps.

Connect Dart and HTML

Include a Dart script in an HTML page.

Add elements to the DOM

Add elements to the web page and move them.

Remove DOM elements

Delete elements from the web page.

Use Flutter Web

Write your first Flutter app on the web.


請檢視 Flutter 課程。