
Prefix library names with the package name and a dot-separated path.

This rule is available as of Dart 2.0.0.

Rule sets: core, recommended, flutter


DO prefix library names with the package name and a dot-separated path.

This guideline helps avoid the warnings you get when two libraries have the same name. Here are the rules we recommend:

  • Prefix all library names with the package name.
  • Make the entry library have the same name as the package.
  • For all other libraries in a package, after the package name add the dot-separated path to the library’s Dart file.
  • For libraries under lib, omit the top directory name.

For example, say the package name is my_package. Here are the library names for various files in the package:


// In lib/my_package.dart
library my_package;

// In lib/other.dart
library my_package.other;

// In lib/foo/bar.dart
library my_package.foo.bar;

// In example/foo/bar.dart
library my_package.example.foo.bar;

// In lib/src/private.dart
library my_package.src.private;


To enable the package_prefixed_library_names rule, add package_prefixed_library_names under linter > rules in your analysis_options.yaml file:

    - package_prefixed_library_names